Welcome to everybody, a dutiful preamble before opening this new Twin Trade adventure. The present article just to officially open this new website’s blog you are visiting that represents a historical moment for our young company.
The constant use of technologies and the web’s spreading power of these last years has convinced us in affirming our presence online.
No more the classical showcase website like that one we have had till some weeks ago but a new dynamic website with new high value contents that we hope, could provide our clients, partner and followers, with an opportunity of growth.
If we talk about innovation, we can’t avoid thinking of companies and in which way they are structured. Many companies are structured in a classical hierarchical model, that is to say, in a quite rigid pyramidal structure with well-defined roles similar to a “military model”.
On the contrary, a “smarter” company structure with more flowing roles, less employees and more partner able to make a company much more equal to a network rather than to a classical company could be an idea to be serioulsly taken into account.
About these two models, what do you think could be the winning one? Let’s reflect on this issue trying to draw interesting conclusions.
Why choose a business “smarter” structure
One of the most common STOP to a change is the FEAR, an old feeling that limits both the progress and the innovation, in particular for those people always accustomed to use and to base themselves on standard and already tested models.
The second structure clearly talks about changing their hierarchical structure, opening their door to external partner, giving up to some employee. For many businessmen this could mean to undermine their company’s stability, it could mean to lose control of their power. But do you think it is really so?
Probably it was valid 10 years ago , but today, in the running and global world we live, we constantly need professionalism and competences that neither school nor universities can teach us, so there could be the possibility that in the model suggested by the smarter structure, there could be a basis of truth.
The employees’ well-being has direct results and consequences on the company’s destiny. It’s not surprising that a giant company of the web like Google, is considered a model company at worldwide level. Any headquarter has wellness centers, gymnasiums, baby-sitting rooms and spaces dedicated to the free time. It seems a Luna-park but, on the contrary, it is of the most growing companies in the world, constantly updated in accordance with the modern trends, able to convert its employees’ well-being into its main strong point.
Obviously, not all the companies can be structured according to the Google model, but for sure, they can count and bet much more on the quality of the work rather than on the duration of the same. If an employee has brought you results in 4 or 6 of the estimated 8 working hours, don’t you think his/her presence in the office is nearly useless?
That’s why, today, for all those companies that for example, want to grow, want to aim at new markets in particular foreign ones, to hire an export manager couldn’t be the right choice.
The Export Office
If an employee doesn’t obtain a direct profit, he will never discover for you new directions and new strategies in order to let your company grow, because, in any case, he will get his salary from you at the end of month.
If, on the other hand, you decide to have an export department in out sourcing you will be more than sure that, first of all you are facing a professional team or staff that only gain money if you gain money rising your sales volume, and that they will be ready to work day and night to get your desired result.
Probably you have already noted Twin Trade is exactly structured in this way, also because, not producing goods but offering services, we don’t need hangars and workers to work 24h per day.
Which are the strong points of this company structure?
No hiring costs, no social security contributions, no maternity benefits and many other taxes we need to pay for any employee we have.
We will be sure that our partner will aim for sure at our same goal, because if we gain, he gains, otherwise no job both for us and for him!
Don’t you think that many roles in your company could be played from professional outer resources rather than inner ones? Have you ever experienced, throughout the years, this kind of cooperation?
Here below a space, completely dedicated to your comments in order to learn more about your experience or doubts you could have. We need to compare each other, it will be really interesting!!!
If you like this article, please share it in your social profiles, you could even offer food for thoughts to your friend’s too.

Ultimi post di Vera Narducci (vedi tutti)
- How to avoid the 3 most common Export errors - 29 July 2014
- I Speak English! How important is a correct English language usage abroad - 29 July 2014
- How to get a Smarter Company and improve the productivity - 29 July 2014