Finance your business


finanziamenti pubblici“NO CASH LIQUIDITY” has been the most important key word in these last years as a complete lack of capitals has deeply affected many companies not allowing them to invest in order to improve their business.

Companies have to constantly fight between banks that scarcely loan money and clients that don’t pay or pay with postdated terms.

How can we finance your business?

Simply letting you grant award in best way we can!!!

Every year throughout Government and then Regions, the EU allocates funds of millions of euro for companies that many times, in their turn, don’t ask for because of a complete lack of information about this possibility.

If properly used, these funds allow companies to invest in interesting projects, to restore their company, to guarantee bank credit or – the less known thing – to FINANCE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION FOR FREE with high skilled course that they won’t pay € 1.00.

Twin Trade will help you in finding new financial resources for your company thanks to the skilled professionals we have in our team as partner operating in this field that can support you with their gained long-standing experience.


Our advisors will analyze with you your company profile searching the best way or the suitable financing line for your necessities giving you the opportunity to participate in the available RFB.

The WIN-WIN guarantee formula is what we have been using with our clients since long time, in fact, apart from an initial contribution as a payback to have setting up the procedure, you will only pay us once you have received the requested funds with a great satisfaction for you and for us!


Here you are what we can offer you:

Company profile analysis
…in order to search the suitable features you must have in order to profit by RFB

Selection of the suitable RFB
…in accordance with your company’s necessities

Management of the all necessary documentation
…to participate in the chosen RFB

Advisors and Consultants
…to support you in any RFB you will participate in
Informative Newsletter
…in order to constantly keep you informed about the endless opportunities are waiting for you and your company

Moreover, Twin Trade can provide you customized consultations for any specific necessity you could have putting at your complete disposal professional partner belonging to our team.

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